Friday, November 8, 2013

Week 14 Update and Schedule

It is a brand-new trimester: a chance to wipe the slate clean and start fresh!  I'm so proud of students who worked so hard and encourage everyone to turn work in on time and always do their best.

This week, we are continuing with our Personal Narrative Unit.  We will do the first edit, and students will compose their second draft to improve on the first.  I will be out of town T-Th for a conference, but I'll have a great substitute and full instructions on what students will need to accomplish while I am gone.  I will still be frequently checking my email, so please email me if there are any questions or concerns. We'll be using Google Drive & Chromebooks to type drafts.  Using Drive will also enable students to work at home if they need extra time.  Please encourage your student to decide not to fall behind, but keep up on their work.

Remember that students should be choosing a book to read that has had a movie adaptation.  Right now, focus on finding and reading the novel.  In December, I'll begin our Book-to-Film Unit and students will then be able to watch their movie and receive specific instructions on their December 18th book report.

I know that absences happen, but please have your student visit with me before or after school when they miss a day to become caught up. If not, the load of work snowballs and becomes overwhelming.

Book Orders are due November 11th.  This is an affordable way to expand your home library and if you order online, our class receives a free book.  You can order online Click Here to go to Scholastic
or send in an order form with a check made out to Scholastic.

No Utah-in-the-News This Week

Week 14 Schedule
November 11-15th

Monday, November 11th
Calendar Wk. 14/Reading Check for Wk. 13
Google Survey
Clean out Folders
Peer Editing
Learning Objective: I can be organized by scheduling in my planner and showing Mrs. Robins my reading minutes. I can complete a Google Survey using my Chromebook.  I can also understand and participate in Peer Editing to improve my narrative and help my partner improve theirs.

Tuesday, November 12th
Mini-Lesson: Plot Techniques
Finish Peer Editing (if needed)
Begin typing Personal Narrative Draft #2
Learning Objective:  I can learn and understand Plot Techniques so I can use them in my writing.  I can finish Peer Editing and begin typing Draft #2.

Wednesday, November 13th
Figurative Language Review
Finish typing Personal Narrative Draft #2
Share your completed Draft #2 with Mrs. Robins
No Wednesday Reading Club today
 Learning Objective: I can understand and use Figurative Language.  I can finish typing my 2nd draft and make the improvements I discussed with my editing partner.

Thursday, November 14th
Scope Magazine "Homeless" Reading Comprehension
Library Day
Learning Objective:  I will listen, read and comprehend non-fiction text.  I can learn informational text and research skills at the library.

Friday, November 15th
Random Student
Learning Objective:  I can celebrate learning through an enriched activity during Gecko Time or get caught-up on my missing work in Homework Hall.

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