Friday, January 11, 2013

Week 22 Update and Schedule

It's been a fun week introducing our Argumentative Research project and seeing students learn research techniques.  Most of our time this week will be spent in the computer lab working on research and projects.  Each student has selected an M & M (peanut, peanut butter, pretzel or milk chocolate  to research and find evidence that their M & M is superior to all others.  They will present their findings in a PowerPoint (or Prezi), Project Display Board or an essay.  I'll give specific instruction on Tuesday for projects.  Please go over deadlines with your students and encourage them to work hard to complete the project on time.

I'm noticing that several students have a "U" on their citizenship grade.  This is usually due to receiving a "0" on their weekly planner checks.  These are vitally important to hold students accountable and teach them responsibility.  Students need to read 30 mins. a day at home (150 minutes weekly) and document their reading, record our weekly schedule in their planners and have a parent/guardian sign.  Please encourage them to do so.  Also, a "U" can be earned by consistently turning in late work.  I am offering bonus effort points for completing writing contests.  Have your student talk to me if they are interested.

I know many students have been ill or out of town.  Please remind them to TALK to me before or after class about their missing work.

I'm looking forward to a fun and learning-filled week with my students!  Have a great weekend-

Monday, Jan. 14th
*Calendar for week/reading check for Wk. 21
*Research for Argumentative Project

Tuesday, Jan. 15th
*Project Instruction
*Final Day for Research: All Research MUST be completed today.

Wednesday, Jan. 16th
*Begin Argumentation   Research Project
*Library Day
AM/PM Reading Club

Thursday, Jan. 17th
*Argumentation Research Project Work Day

Friday, Jan. 18th
* Random-Student-of-the-Week
Gecko Time!

Present on January 18, 2013  

1st: Andy Guerrero (from last week), Jaxon Gates, Brevin Knude, Chance Lopez
2nd: Cece Galvez, Joanna Guerrero, Jackie Guzman
3rd: Gavyn Brizzolara, Brandon Claro, Jaden Durham
5th: Ashley Rubio, Grace Appel (absent), Addy Southam, Tristin Mudrow
6th: Janis Alcala, Kimber Condie, Mckenna Cloward (absent), Hayden Lane

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