Friday, January 25, 2013

Week 24 Update and Schedule

Whew!  What a week :) Our Argumentation Research Projects were due today and I couldn't be prouder of the amazing students I teach.  With few exception, projects were completed and handed in today.  Next week, all students will present their projects to the class.  This meets our Core Requirements of Speaking and Listening.  As I have told the students, learning to speak in front of a group is a still that will benefit them their entire lives.  I'm excited to see how they do.

Our schedule and Utah-in-the-News is listed below.  Note that Wednesday is our "WOW Gecko Day" where students will enjoy meeting local author, Lyman Hafen, who will give them tips on how to become better writers themselves.  1-3 periods will participate in an additional activities of writing & filming  commercials to practice their persuasive skills. It will be a very fun day of enriched learning.

As a reminder, if your student has a "U" in class, there are several extra credit options they can do to demonstrate increased effort and move up their grade.  Details are on the blog.  These offers are only available until February 8th (a week before the trimester ends).  Please encourage your student to turn work in on time, calendar and record reading each week and do their best.

Monday, January 28th
*Week 23 Planner/Reading Check
*Monday Write: The Power of Your Words

Tuesday, January 29th
*Argumentative Project Presentations

Wednesday, January 30th
*WOW Gecko Day!!
AM/PM Reading Club

Thursday, January 31st
*Argumentative Project Presentations

Friday, February 1st
*Monthly Drawing
*Library Day

Utah-in-News for February 1, 2013
The following students will need to have Utah-in-the-News prepared and ready to present on Friday, February 1st.  I'll give them the form in class if they need it or they can print it off the blog (left side).  Students must print out the article they read and staple it to the back of the form.

1st: Bailey Pace, Olivia Palmer, Vicki Riggs (absent), Kilee Terpstra and Dylan Simpkins
2nd: Parker Harris, Amanda Holland, Riley Hughes, James Rasmussen
3rd: Connor Pollman, Nate Chatelain, Kenzie Rose, Emily S. and Hannah Silvia
5th: Tatiana Lopez, Kyson Montgomery, Olivia Olvera
6th: Bella Lamberth, Alberto Venegas, Shelbi Rigby, Calton Millward

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