Another fantastic week in Language Arts! It was so nice to meet many of you during Parent-Teacher Conferences. I love teaching your children and I enjoyed discussing my goals for your student and addressing your questions and concerns. If you couldn't make it (I'm a busy mom too, totally understand) I am sending home a bookmark with all my contact information and a flyer on the Chili's Fundraiser Day.
Speaking of which...please visit Chili's on Wednesday, October 5th anytime from 11am-11pm and buy food. They will donated a portion of sales to fund our iRead program--just show this flyer or say you are supporting Lava Ridge. I can't say enough about the power of this program to create a love of reading, which leads to students becoming lifelong readers. Being a good reader can make all the difference! It does take money to pay for incentives, prizes, t-shirts and our field trip, so this money would go a long way to help your child. Please join us if you are able.
This week will be fun as we continue Literature Circles and work on some reading-specific mini lessons and activities. I'm so pleased at how many kids are current on their reading and working so hard, thank you! As always, I'm happy to answer any questions or meet with you about your student. Keep in touch and have a fantastic weekend!
This week will be fun as we continue Literature Circles and work on some reading-specific mini lessons and activities. I'm so pleased at how many kids are current on their reading and working so hard, thank you! As always, I'm happy to answer any questions or meet with you about your student. Keep in touch and have a fantastic weekend!
Week #9
October 3-October 7
Monday, October 3rd
Free Reading
Simple and Compound Sentence & Practice
FANBOY Conjunctions (Unit Guide)
Tuesday, October 4th
Free Reading/Quick Write
Literature Circle Discussion (find sentence types)
Write Sentences on Graffiti Wall
Vocabulary: Cliffhanger, Suspense, Foreshadowing
Launch of the School Newspaper
Launch of the School Newspaper
Wednesday, October 5th
Free Reading/Quick Write
Theme Lesson
Honors: Newspaper Day
Chili's Fundraiser
Thursday, October 6th
Free Reading/Quick Write
Mini-Lesson: Complex Sentences
Sentence Pratice
Work on N & N Map/ABC Booklets
Friday, October 7th
Free Reading/Quick Write
Book #7 Due

Shots from the epic 80's Spirit Day!