Tuesday, January 12, 2016

ACES Explanatory Essay

It's time to put all our practice to good use and write a full-length ACES, Explanatory, Essay! Please follow the directions carefully. Your essay is due Friday, January 15th.

Choose 1 to write about

SPORTS: Using both articles, explain some problems facing sports today and what we can do to make it better. 


ANIMALS: Using both articles, explain how our attitudes about wild animals have changed since the time of Jumbo. Why might those attitudes have changed?

1. Get a gray piece of paper and make an ACES foldable: fill it out as you do your reading and essay organization.

2. Read the articles for your text set (either Sports or Animals). You can read the magazine copy in the lab or access it online here: Sports Articles  OR  Animal Articles

3. Type the essay in your google drive. Title it: Sports or Animals and your name (example: Animals Mrs. Robins). Share it with me in drive when you are finished: rachel.robins@washk12.org

4. Remember to use the following format:

Paragraph 1: Introduction + Thesis
Paragraph 2: ACES #1
Paragraph 3: ACES #2
Paragraph 4: Conclusion

5. Please use your NOTES to help you and ask any questions along the way. This is a CFA (Common Formative Assessment) testing you on how well you can write an introduction, thesis, conclusion and use transition words throughout your essay. Also remember to use citations when you introduce evidence.

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