I am honestly enjoying this group of students who are so hardworking, kind and thoughtful. What amazing kids! First of all, thank you for the support in our Chili's Fundraiser. We earned almost $300 for our iRead program, which is much appreciated. We still have a couple weeks to accept any personal or business donations: iRead Support Letter I'm excited to start designing the new shirts and seeing students achieve entrance into the iRead 40 Club. Many congrats to Nick Renstrom, who is the first 7th grader to make it into the iRead 4o Club! Way to go Nick!! I'll have his picture with our new shirts after they are ordered.
Fall Break is nearing, but we'll have important things going on next week. If you miss school, it's your responsibility to check the blog, ask a friend, and ask me about what you work. With very little exception, all work is located in the "Missed Work" crate in the back of my room. Students are also encouraged to request themselves for FLEX time for extra help from me. I'm happy to help, but I'd love to see students become more proactive. Friendly reminder that students should be reading at lest 30 mins. for a minimum of 5 days a week.
So, we've been doing Whole Brain Gestures while learning about Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences. Ask your student to demonstrate--it's fun and a great way to keep them all organized in their heads. I'm so pleased with the outstanding work and enthusiasm I've see this week: well done!
The first edition of the National Gecko Graphic has launched: October National Gecko Graphic Newspaper. Congrats to 6th period Honors for a job well done! Take a look at the color edition online, paper copies will be passed out next week:)
As always, I am your partner in education, let me know how I can assist: rachel.robins@washk12.org or 435-652-4742. Have a wonderful week!
Week #10
October 10th-October 12th
Monday, October 10th
Free Reading/Quick Write
Honors: Theme
Complex Sentence Application: Scope Magazine
Tuesday, October 11th
Free Reading/Quick Write
Vocabulary: Conflict and Characterization
Literature Circles: Notice and Note Map and ABC Book
Wednesday, October 12th
Library Day
Library Lesson and Lots o' Reading!
Enjoy Fall Break from October 13th-October 16th. See you on Monday, October 17th!
Looking ahead: Book #8 DUE on October 17th
I thought this was great--just look at one the many ways reading is so very good for you!

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