Another fantastic week in Language Arts! How I love watching these students grow, learn and develop. I appreciate those students who have been working so very hard to get all caught-up in preparation for the end-of-the trimester. I am proud of the students who are experiencing joy because it's finally clicking! I've seen a lot of "A-Ha" moments this week and it's pretty great. This year has just been really enjoyable, so thanks to all of you students and parents.
Quick note on Halloween: Yes, dress-up if you'd like to! We are asking that costumes are school-appropriate (nothing that violates dress code, is violent/gruesome, no excessive make-up, no masks, and NO eye-altering costume contacts). It's a fun day for everyone & I love celebrating in my classroom, LA style:)
The end of the trimester is upon us. Please see the schedule and deadlines below. In preparation for essays, we will be learning ACES paragraphs that will eventually morph into the anchoring body paragraphs of essays. There are tricks to writing well and I'm excited to simplify the process for students and give them lifelong skills.
Thanks for a great first trimester, let's finish strong and work hard! Please contact me at with any questions.
Quick note on Halloween: Yes, dress-up if you'd like to! We are asking that costumes are school-appropriate (nothing that violates dress code, is violent/gruesome, no excessive make-up, no masks, and NO eye-altering costume contacts). It's a fun day for everyone & I love celebrating in my classroom, LA style:)
The end of the trimester is upon us. Please see the schedule and deadlines below. In preparation for essays, we will be learning ACES paragraphs that will eventually morph into the anchoring body paragraphs of essays. There are tricks to writing well and I'm excited to simplify the process for students and give them lifelong skills.
Thanks for a great first trimester, let's finish strong and work hard! Please contact me at with any questions.
Week #13
October 31-November 4
Monday, October 31st
Spooky Writing & The Raven (pop-culture version, original text)
Honors: October Writing Contest and Blog DUE
Tuesday, November 1st
Free Reading
Introduction of ACES Paragraphs:
Notes, Modeling, Sort
Wednesday, November 2nd
Last Day to Hand In Late Work
Book #10 DUE
Free Reading
Lesson/Practice on Citation with Scope Magazine
Thursday, November 3rd
Free Reading
Partner-up ACES Paragraph
Friday, November 4th
Trimester Ends!
Honors: Books 11 & 12 DUE
CFA #2: ACES Paragraphs
CFA #2: ACES Paragraphs

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