Please keep your eyes on your grades and let me know if there are any questions. It's really important you turn in missing work, so get on that one!
Yes, A Christmas Carol counts as an iRead book...ONLY IF YOU WERE THERE EVERY DAY OR DID THE MAKE-UP WORK FOR BEING ABSENT. I have given points for each of the 6 days of reading. Check Powerschool and see what you've missed. About 2 weeks ago, I emailed students and parents the online copy of the novel and the audio (available links on the last two blog posts as well). It is your responsibility to read the missing section, report to me so I can ask you a couple of questions, then do the additional assignment if there was one. If you choose to not do that, you may not count this as a book read.
My best wishes to each of you this Christmas season. How I love each student and value them in my classroom and my life. Have a wonderful long break and I'll look forward to seeing everyone in 2019!! Thank you for your hard work, great attitudes and my deepest thanks to all the wonderfully supportive parents and guardian! To quote Tiny Tim: "Merry Christmas and God bless us, every one!"
Schedule for the rest of 2018!!
December 10-December 19
A Christmas Carol Learning Centers
(this will be the "test" on the novel)
Tuesday, December 11
A Christmas Carol Socratic Seminar!
Topic: Scrooge's Transformation
Wednesday, December 12
A Christmas Carol Book to Movie I
Thursday, December 13
A Christmas Carol Book to Movie II
Friday, December 14
A Christmas Carol Book to Movie: Finish
Finish Analysis sheet
Honors: Newspaper Time
Free Reading
Reading Accountability DUE
(available on Google Classroom, it's a Google Form this week)
Monday, December 17th
15 minute library visit
Honors: Newspaper Day
The Man Who Invented Christmas Film
Tuesday, December 18th
iRead Celebration (Gecko Day)
*Must have 2 books for 2nd Trimester signed off by me
Wednesday, December 19th
The Annual Robins Christmas Coco Party (details coming)
End-of-the-Year Robins Rewards Drawing
The Man Who Invented Christmas Film
Christmas Reading Challenge (I'll email the document, hand one out in class and link here later)