Saturday, April 27, 2013

Week 37 Update and Schedule

It's been a difficult week with the passing of Olivia Hansen (a student in 3rd period) and the end-of-level testing.  I know that your children have struggled too.  Whether or not they were friends with Ashley Rubio or Olivia Hansen, having classmates pass away is painful.  Please be assured that myself and all the staff and faculty of Lava Ridge are very aware of your child and are working hard to make sure they they are comfortable and have trusted adults to talk to at school if they are having a hard day.  I've told the students countless times, but please know how much I love all my students and I enjoy every day with them.

We did have an assembly for all 7th graders on Friday from Southwest Center which focused on coping skills and recognizing depression. Please ask your child about what they have learned.  This would be a great starting point for important conversations we need to have with our children. As many of you know, my oldest is 12 years old in 6th grade at Tonaquint, and these recent events have spurred conversations in my own home about how to handle stress and what to do if you need help or have a friend who is struggling.  I've been touched by the outpouring of concern for me as a teacher from both students and parents.  Thank you for your kind words, hugs and prayers.  Please know that I am doing all I can to be the best teacher possible for your child.

On a brighter note, I am thrilled to let you know that my students were overwhelmingly successful on CRT scores.  All the practice they did at home and school, the positive thinking and test-taking tips totally paid off in spades!  Students have been informed of their individual scores (unless they attended the assembly during class--they will find out Monday) and 97% of students are proficient!!  I could not be more pleased. The students who showed growth by reaching their individual goals will be rewarded on Monday with candy bars.  It was the bright spot in a dark week to meet with students on a one-on-one basis and let them see how they scored.  Please give your child a big hug and pat on the back for a job well done!

For the rest of the school year, we will be focusing on writing (including more Monday-writes & poetry), creating a poetry chapbook, and reading Will Hobbs novel, "The Maze".  I am so excited--the students are going to really enjoy our last few weeks together.  I will not be teaching new concepts, but we'll be practicing   the skills we have learned.  Keep an eye on PowerSchool and encourage your student to keep their grades up (no "I"s or "U"s) so they can attend the fabulously fun 7th grade party on May 22nd.  Also, I will be posting chapters on the blog--students need to keep-up on their reading so we can finish the novel in time.  May 3rd is the due date for Book Reports as well--our last one!  Here is the plan for our week:

Monday, April 29th:  Monday-Write ("Reasons to Live" Wordle), Planner/Reading Check, Introduce "The Maze", Candy Bar Rewards  (*Doughnut Part for 2nd period for winning our Commonly Confused Words Competition)

Tuesday, April 30th:  Poetry Bellwork, "The Maze" Ch. 1-2  Read Chapters 3-5 at home

Wednesday, May 1st:  Finish the Wordle, Library Day  *be sure to pay fines

Thursday, May 2nd:  "The Maze" Chapters 1-4 quiz, Chapter 5 "The Maze"  Read Chapters 6 & 7 at home for Monday.

Friday, May 3rd: Random Student, Utah-in-the-News, Gecko Enrichment/Homework Hall  *Book Reports Are Due!!

Utah-in-the-News (to present Friday, May 3rd)

1st period: Nate Awerkamp, Brendan Clarke, Tanaya Corbin, Mallory Richey
2nd period: Vaughn Anderson, Nick Avila, McKenna Dawson, Austin Deming
3rd period: Emilee Campbell, Nate Chatelain, Brandon Claro, Jaden Durham
5th period: Natalie Gunn, Lexi Hamel, William Harrison, Zack Hunt
6th period: Kimber Condie, Kelsey Dangerfield, Corby Fausett, Caleb Goeser

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