Thursday, January 22, 2015

Utah Compose Argument Essay Instructions

Because quite a few students are missing class for the Fine Arts tour, here is the information to complete the Argumentative Essay ("Should Schools Sell Junk Food to Students?") as found on Utah Compose. Regardless if students missed class or not, this must be completed by Friday, January 23rd. Please email me with any questions.

1. Make the Argumentative Foldables (1 to organize text and 1 to organize the essay). You can find these here on the blog: SAGE Foldables

2. Now, go to Utah Compose
Your User Name is your 000 Student ID and your password is your lunch number.

3. Select 7th grade Language Arts, the go to the "Practice" Tab

4. Select the prompt: "Should Students Sell Junk Food to Students"

5. Read the attached articles and use evidence on Foldable #1.

6. Next, plan your essay on Foldable #2

7. Now click "Begin Writing" on Utah Compose and follow directions below:

Helps for Revision in Utah Compose
  1. After you submit it, you will get a score with words and phrases highlighted. Click on each word or phrase and fix it.
  2. Then remember the 3 MOST IMPORTANT things to do on computer-based writing revisions:
    1. Have a variety of sentences (simple, compound and complex)
    2. Change-up your vocabulary words 
    3. Elaborate: explain things more.

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