Sunday, December 18, 2016

Week 20: 'Twas the days before Christmas Break...

Yes, Christmas break is upon us. We will have school Monday and Tuesday then resume on January 5th. My thanks again for all the well-wishes and understanding about my medical issue. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and support. Additionally, my thanks for the thoughtful Christmas cards and gifts, they are greatly appreciated.
Image result for christmas tree
Monday, December 19th will be our test on Wednesday Wars! Test you say? Yes, but it's not bad. Students will go to Google Classroom where I will give them a letter of the alphabet. They'll have the class period to write an explanatory (ACES) paragraph to explain how their letter relates back to the novel. They will include a picture too from Google Images. I will be there to assist them and I have an example for them to look at. This will be a great way for me to assess their understanding of writing explanatory paragraph. In January, we will be fleshing these into full essays, so it's critical that students understand what to do.

Image result for jingle bells

Tuesday, December 20th is my gift to students: the annual Robins Coco Party! Students have volunteered to bring supplies and I'll use my coco-motion machines to crank out coco and holiday cheer. We'll be watching a Christmas movie that the students vote on. I feel like I really push students hard to excel and cover curriculum, having a fun day like this is a reward that is fun for all of us!

Image result for santa reading

As we move into the break, please encourage your student to READ! Book #5 will be due when we get back. Many students have slipped behind and it's so important they read. I'll be issuing a Christmas Reading Challenge for those students who go above and beyond, but the expectation is the same as usual: home reading at least 30 mins. a day, 5 days a week.

I love this group of students so much. They are bright, fun and eager to learn. It's a privilege being their teacher and I'm excited to see them grow throughout the rest of the year. As always, keep in touch with me with any questions or concerns about your students. Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season: enjoy the long break!

Image result for merry christmas and happy new year

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