Saturday, September 15, 2012

Super Gecko Day on Friday, September 13th

Last Friday, September 13th, was our first Language Arts Super Gecko Day and it was spectacular!  A Super Gecko Day is when a department offers an enriching, content-related day for ALL students as a way to celebrate learning.  Mrs. Leany, Mr. Rarick and I put in many hours in preparation for this fun event and it certainly paid off in spades.

The fun day began with all students attending an assembly during 1st or 2nd periods.  We were fortunate to have Doug Osmond with us presenting the Michael Vey Book Tour.  The Michael Vey series (two books are written so far)by Richard Paul Evans, is about a group of teens who were affected by an experimental machine which was in the hospital when they were born.  They were given the ability to harness and use electricity in a variety of ways.  Michael Vey, the main character, is the consummate underdog who finds the greatness within him to make friends and save the world.  I have read both books and they are fantastic!  Along with talking about the books, Doug Osmond also focused on the neurological condition, Turrets Syndrome (which both Richard Paul Evans, Osmond's son and Michael Vey have), believing in yourself and improving yourself through reading.  The assembly ended with a very fun trivia game where ten students displayed their amazing knowledge on popular YA books.  A special pat-on-the-back to Nate Chatelain, Zach Goodman, Tucker Lameroux and Natalie Gunn who did the Robins' classes proud!

I was so proud of our students.  They were respectful, knowledgeable and really had a great time.  Here a few pictures.  I took a bunch of photos as well as video footage of the presentation which I will post on the blog soon.

Go Tucker!

Go Nate!

Thank you to the talented Doug Osmond!

The day continued with 3rd, 5th and 6th periods participating in the grand finale of our Book-to-Film Festival: Film Reel Fun.  Groups were placed together and asked to complete a giant film reel where each film cell required the students to write about and draw something from their Book-to-Film Book focusing on either genre, setting, characters, plot or theme.  The students worked so well together and created some fabulous works of art & writing which will be displayed in our lunch room for all students to enjoy. 

By the end of the day, I was exhausted but so very proud of my amazing students.  I am so grateful for the privilege of being a teacher to students who are so talented and hard-working.  Every day at school is a pleasure and I enjoy every minute I spend with them.  Lava Ridge is an amazing school as well.  I am continually impressed and grateful to be part of  a school-wide team so focused on student achievement and success! Here is a preview of MANY pictures yet to come. :)

My personal favorite picture: Kameron and Justin were exhausted from so much literary fun!

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