Saturday, September 29, 2012

Raising Money For Santa Clara Flood Victims

I announced to students that on Tuesday, September 25th, we would have a one-day in-class coin drive and I would match whatever the students raised.  There was also an extra incentive given that the class who donated the most money would receive a piece of candy AND get to personally deliver all the money to the office.  I feel strongly that we should care for others in our community and always look for ways to help.  I was so very proud of my students, they donated $43.35; as promised, I matched their donation for a grand total of $89.00!!  I was so proud of such a great group of students who care about other people and who want to help.  We were able to facilitate our school's personal goal of $2,500 to help those in our community!

Another cool connection came on Wednesday, when we actually took the donated funds down to the office.  We read in our Scholastic Magazine "Scope" about students in Henryville, Indiana who suffered two back-to-back devastating tornadoes earlier this year.  Their school was demolished and many students  lost their homes and belongings. Henryville is in the southwest corner of Indiana, just as we are located in the same corner of Utah.  Just as we helped members of our own community, we can help the students of Indiana as well.  Scholastic has a writing contest asking students to write a paragraph about what they read in the magazine.  For each entry submitted, Scholastic will send a book to Henryville for their library.  All students will do this writing assignment on Monday.  Watch for an entry form you will need to sign to allow your child to participate in the contest.  What a marvelous way to help out students from another community!

Here are cups of coins where the students donated.

5th period won with $17.23!!  They had a great time going to the office and delivering all the money in individual cups and seeing the secretaries smile!

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